Dollhouse DIY

Small Scale Showcase is delighted to share with our visitors, some of our favourite YouTube  Dollhouse Miniature DIY tutorials.   If you have a favourite you'd like to see here, please contact us with the link.
Mary Kinlock making Dollhouse Miniature Coleus in 1/12th scale
Laurie Heisler making Miniature Cryovac Meat

Stephanie Kilgast making Miniauture Teeth and Dentures

Maive Ferrando makes a With House Lantern from polymer clay

We Love Miniatures making Dollhouse Miniature Hosta Plants
MsMiniLover makes a dollhouse picnic table
AkameruKawaii makes miniature rollder skates

Angie Scarr makes miniature stained glass using a 3D pen and liquid polymer

Mary Kinloch makes 1/12 scale roses with leaves and calyx

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